6 Life Lessons from Tunde Onakoya | SimplVest
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♟️Checkmate! 6 Life Lessons from Tunde Onakoya, the Chess Maestro Who Empowers Lives

Discover 6 life lessons from Tunde Onakoya, the chess maestro empowering lives through his NGO, Chess in Slums Africa, and his Guinness World Record attempt.

Tunde Onakoya, the chess maestro empowering lives through his NGO, Chess in Slums Africa.

The internet has been buzzing for some days with the name Tunde Onakoya, thanks to his move to champion a new feat in chess by breaking the Guinness World Record (unofficially) for the longest chess marathon.

But neither Tunde Onakoya nor his exploits in chess are new to the public. For the surprising few who do not know, his claim to fame started with his NGO, Chess in Slums Africa, which, as the name implies, uses chess as a springboard for education and opportunity for children living in the slums. The motive? Refining their mentality from street hoodlums to chess masters who can also tackle the complex challenges life throws at them. 

In his words,

“I teach people how to drop weapons and pick up plastic pieces.”

The King’s Gambit: 6 Tactical Lessons from Onakoya’s Board

Onakoya’s impact transcends the confines of the chessboard. His journey offers valuable takeaways that extend far beyond the world of pawns and checkmates. Here are 6 gems from Tunde Onakoya’s remarkable story, all applicable in life, business, and career:

Vision is the Queen Move

A strong vision is always crucial for success. And that’s not an anecdote that applies to chess alone. Onakoya didn’t just see himself as a chess player; he saw how chess could spark social change and improve lives. He used chess as a tool to empower children and provide them with opportunities they might not otherwise have. 

For any brand or individual, defining a clear vision is essential. What impact do you want to make in the world? You have to care about more than just the immediate goal—it’s also about the broader change you want to create and the legacy you want to leave behind.

Know Your Pawns from Your Rooks (Have a target audience)

Not all chess pieces are created equal. Onakoya recognized this and pinpointed a specific target audience: children in underprivileged communities. He tailored his approach to meet their unique needs, using chess as a means to provide education and opportunities. For success, it’s essential to understand who makes up your target audience. Doing so ensures you can craft your message to resonate with them effectively, ensuring that your efforts are both meaningful and impactful.

Through Chess in Slums, Tunde Onakoya strives to change the stories of economically challenged kids for the better.

Showcasing Success Breeds More Success: The Art of the Amplified Move

Onakoya understands that showing off good work is as important as doing good work. His brainchild, Chess in Slums Africa, isn’t just about empowering children through chess. It’s a powerful social statement brought to life. By actively seeking media attention and sharing his program’s success stories, Onakoya attracts vital resources and inspires others to take action. He’s turned showcasing good work into a strategic move, amplifying his impact and paving the way for a brighter future for countless children.

Stories like Basirat’s, mentioned earlier, are examples of ‘social proof’ Tunde Onakoya used to show the work he and CIS were doing. By showing off a child who loved to play chess with the willpower to further their education, he brought about a new hope for many other children.

In your business or career, you need a little review here and consistent posting there to achieve the virality you want.

Strategic Alliances: Building Partnerships for Impact

Before Onakoya entered the spotlight, he revealed that he was able to fuel his passion for teaching kids through partnerships. He first partnered with friends to prepare and provide refreshments for kids after learning before it became a global sensation.

By establishing himself as a successful social entrepreneur through Chess in Slums Africa, Onakoya has opened doors for collaboration. Partnering with educational institutions, NGOs, or even corporate social responsibility programs can significantly expand his reach and impact.

In one of his most recent announcements, in January 2024, Onakoya posted a grant deal on his Instagram page spanning three years with Lufthansa Airlines for Chess Academy in Lagos.

Life’s a Chess Game

Challenges are inevitable on the chessboard, in life, and career. Onakoya’s story highlights the crucial lesson of life in war—not getting put down by losing a battle is “kinging.” There will be setbacks and moments where the opponent delivers a strategic blow. But just like a skilled chess player, Onakoya understands that these are not defeats but temporary setbacks. He uses these experiences to learn, adapt, and come back stronger.

“It was difficult because now we had to give the children food, and I didn’t have the funds. In time, they (the children) would bring other issues of importance to us, like school fees. [It was difficult as] I myself was living hand to mouth. I tried to focus on just teaching them chess, ignoring their personal lives, but I understood that I just couldn’t—not when I was seeing poverty in its purest form.”

Tunde Onakoya, in an interview with PiggyVest

“So, I took to posting about it. Things like ‘This kid shows a keen interest in chess, but his parents can’t afford to send him to school.’

One of such stories was about a girl named Basirat. It was the one that went viral and changed everything. I had simply posted a story about her on Facebook, talking about her punctuality and how she had a charming smile. We also talked about her dream of studying nursing. I had gone to bed, only to wake to thousands of notifications. People were reaching out, discussing wanting to help and sponsor Basirat’s education. That was it. Chess became a gateway to education for her.”

Execution is King: From Vision to Victory

It’s obvious Tunde Onakoya symbolizes the mantra: Execute! Execute!! Execute!!! 

He didn’t just have the dream of empowering children; he took action. And that’s often the difference. Everyone dreams, but only a few take action to make it a reality. Chess in Slums Africa is proof of such relentless execution. Onakoya translated his vision into a concrete program, meticulously crafting a curriculum and going the extra mile to secure resources. 

It’s a powerful reminder that ideas without action are merely potential and that true impact comes from the relentless pursuit of well-defined goals.

Inspired to Make Your Move?

What will be your opening move? Onakoya’s story shows you can make a meaningful impact with determination and a clear vision. Share your thoughts and ideas with us; we’d love to hear them. Together, we can create a future with checkmates in your favor!

That’s all, folks! Until Next Time,

The SimplVest Team 🚀

In Case You Missed Them:

That’s it for this edition, folks! Remember, knowledge is indeed power, especially when it comes to your finances.

Until next time,

The SimplVest Team

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