Hyelhirra’s Journey: Student, CEO, Fashion Innovator-2 | SimplVest
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🥻Inside Hyelhirra’s Journey: Student, CEO, Fashion Innovator (2)

Part II of our chat with Hyelhirra Samaila covers strategies for creating engaging content that aligns with trends, lessons learned, and her future plans.

Hyelhirra may have founded Hera's Closet at a young age, but she's already swam in waters most CEOs struggle to keep up with

Welcome back to our series on Hyelhirra Samaila Malgwi, the young entrepreneur behind Hera’s Closet.

In this second instalment, we’ll:

  • 🤳Take a deeper look into her approach to crafting trend-driven content on Twitter. 
  • 📑Learn valuable insights on how she engaged her audience and promoted her products effectively.
  • 💼Explore the challenges she’s faced in her entrepreneurial journey and the lessons she’s learned. 
  • ➕Plus, find out what’s next for Hera’s Closet and how Hyelhirra plans to balance her academic pursuits with her business ambitions.

Crafting Trend-Driven Content: Engaging Twitter Audiences with Hera’s Closet Products

Creating engaging content on X (formerly Twitter) requires a keen understanding of current trends and the ability to tailor marketing strategies accordingly. Hyelhirra shared her approach to content creation, highlighting the importance of staying updated with fashion trends to engage her audience and promote her products effectively.

Studying Fashion Trends

“Personally, I study fashion trends. When I see something buzzing at the moment, that’s what I focus on,” Samaila explained. Whether it’s the popularity of summer dresses or the season’s trending color, she keeps a close eye on what’s currently in vogue to inform her marketing strategies.

“For example, if summer dresses are trending and pink is the popular color, I’ll market pink summer dresses because I know they’ll sell”

Hyelhirra Samaila, CEO/ Founder Hera’s Closet

Tailoring Marketing to Trends

Samaila emphasized tailoring her marketing efforts to align with current fashion trends. “Most people dress according to trends, so you need to tailor your marketing to these trends,” she stated. By focusing on trending items that she knows will flatter her target audience, she can create content that resonates with her followers and encourages them to engage with her brand.

The Role of Timing and Luck

While studying trends is crucial, Hyelhirra acknowledges that timing and a bit of luck also play a role in successful content creation.

“Sometimes, it’s just sheer luck, meeting the right post at the right time”

By staying active and engaged on Twitter, she’s able to capitalize on these fortunate moments and maximize the impact of her marketing efforts.

Overcoming Challenges and Learning Valuable Lessons

Running a business is never easy, and Hyelhirra knows this firsthand. She opened up about some of the biggest hurdles and the valuable lessons she’s learned along the way.

The Importance of Planning and Quality Control

“When I started my business, my main challenges were quality control and logistics,” Samaila admitted. She realized she had entered the business, focusing solely on making money without proper planning.

“Ironically, for the first four months, I was losing money,” she revealed.

One key lesson she learned was the importance of finding a reliable system and sticking with it. “I found a reliable logistics company in early 2022, and I’ve been using them ever since because they simplify my life,” she said.

Investing in Your Business and Delegating Effectively

Samaila emphasized the need to invest money in your business, whether it’s for packaging, advertising, or paying your staff. “You have to spend money to make money,” she stated. Another crucial lesson she learned was the importance of delegating tasks to capable individuals. “When I tried to do everything on my own, I was overwhelmed, stressed, and not making any money,” she admitted. She now trusts her team to handle various aspects of the business, allowing her to focus on what she does best.

Managing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Samaila also shared that she has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which affects her short-term memory. But she’s never been one to let anything get in her way.

“Delegating has helped me manage this issue. My staff are aware of it and help remind me about tasks,” she said. Her social media manager, who is closest to her, always checks in to ensure she’s completed her daily tasks. “She knows I’m easily reachable by phone, so she calls to ensure I do it promptly,” Samaila added.

Finding the Right Team and Delegating Without Micromanaging

Delegating is a novel concept, but as Hirra points out, its success depends highly on who you delegate to. She’s got a great team now, but finding the right team was a lot of trial and error for her. 

“Some people I had to let go of because they were causing too much stress,” she admitted. 

However, she emphasized the importance of understanding that even good employees have their off days. “You have to learn how to delegate without micromanaging. I trust my team to do their jobs,” she said.

Recognizing the Need for Rewards

The reward for a job well done shouldn’t just be more work. Recognizing the need to commend her team for diligence, Hirra surprised her team with bonuses at the end of the year.

The source of these bonuses? She explained that she set up a contingency fund allocated for trial and error on the part of staff hired but found that she’d never had to use this fund. 

“So, I share it with my team as a bonus,” she revealed, showing her appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Not Letting Past Experiences Affect New Hires

Despite past disappointments with certain hires, Samaila doesn’t let these experiences affect her perception of new employees.

“I remind myself that each person is different, and I shouldn’t judge new employees based on someone else’s mistakes,” she said.

Balancing Business and Ambition

As graduation approaches, many students ask, “What’s next?” Samaila Hyelhirra’s answer involves blending her academic pursuits with her entrepreneurial spirit.

The Intersection of Education and Entrepreneurship

Hyelhirra has found that running Hera’s Closet has influenced her career path. “I’ve discovered that I’m good at business and quite enjoy it,” she says. So, after completing her degree, she plans to pursue an MBA. 

“I definitely want to expand my business and venture into other opportunities,” she adds. While she’s cautious not to overwhelm herself during her final year, Samaila clearly has “serious plans to grow.” And you can bet that she definitely will.

Social Media Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Understanding the power of social media, Hirra offers advice to young entrepreneurs: “Try to understand social media as much as you can personally.” 

She recommends finding someone skilled if social media isn’t your strong suit.

“If you can’t afford to hire someone full-time, consider partnering with someone willing to work for a percentage of sales,” she advises.

Hyelhirra emphasizes starting small and focusing on delivering quality. “It’s important not to overextend yourself, especially considering the current economic conditions,” she warns.

Personal Style and Fashion Trends

When asked about her personal style, Samaila confidently declares herself her own style icon.

“About 90% of my wardrobe is handmade because that’s my personal style,” she shares. She also revealed that her current fashion favourites are maxi skirts and platform shoes. For her business, she highlights the popularity of pink, floral patterns, and textured shoes, especially platforms. “Platforms have been trending since last October and are still selling hotttt,” she notes.

The Power of Social Media and Resilience

Samaila acknowledges the transformative power of social media, even in the face of setbacks.

“Around February, we actually lost both our Instagram and Twitter accounts,” she reveals. Undeterred, she decided to handle the situation herself and started fresh.

“I opened a new account on February 26th, and it now has almost 850 followers,” she proudly states. “I’m determined. I’ll do what it takes to get it done.”

Hera's Closet had its social media accounts suspended - but Hyelhirra has taken the bull by the horn, rebuilding the brand's following from scratch

Leadership Style and Team Dynamics

When it comes to her leadership style, Samaila adopts a collaborative approach with her team. “My staff can call me out. They manage me as I manage them,” she explains. This mutual accountability ensures that tasks are completed efficiently.

Giving Back Through Volunteering

Hyelhirra is committed to giving back to the community outside of her business. “I volunteer in female and child sexual healthcare,” she shares. Despite taking a break, she’s now back to volunteering for two organizations. 

On whether the Hera’s Closet brand will be involved in any outreaches, “I prefer personal volunteering over using organizations for PR. I’m more concerned about maintaining the integrity of giving back— my personal profits from Hera’s Closet make it possible to give back, but I think that’s the appropriate extent of the brand’s involvement,” she emphasizes.

Bonus Insights

Navigating Online Scams and Building Trust

When asked about the challenges of online business, particularly the risk customers face with fraudulent vendors, Samaila shared a personal experience of being scammed twice herself; the most recent incident cost her about NGN 43,000.

Despite the setbacks, she remains empathetic toward her customers’ fears. ” It frustrates me because it makes business harder for us. Every time this happens, I feel more empathy for our customers—I mean, if it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody!” she says. “I understand their fears and try to alleviate them.”

Hyelhirra emphasizes the importance of word-of-mouth and positive customer experiences to combat these concerns. 

“Fortunately, there’s good word-of-mouth about my business. Someone once asked online if anyone had bought from us to avoid scams,” she recounts. “I didn’t see the post until evening, but there were over a hundred positive responses praising our service and quality. I even called my mom and cried that day because it reassured me that our work to be trustworthy is appreciated. When customers are sceptical, I try to be friendly and reassure them. Being approachable helps build trust and reduces their apprehension about being scammed.”

Overcoming Stereotypes and Marketing Challenges

Addressing the difficulties of marketing as a young woman, Hyelhirra discusses the stereotypes and misconceptions she encounters.

“Dealing with stereotypes can be frustrating. That’s why I keep my personal and business accounts separate. People often doubt my capabilities because of my age”

To counteract these biases, she keeps her personal and business accounts separate and focuses on proving her expertise through her business success.

“Many people are surprised when they find out I own the business, which shows I’ve managed to keep these identities apart successfully. Stereotypes are attached to being young and successful like people attributing my success to my looks rather than hard work. When I used to advertise on my personal page, some men even assumed that paying for home delivery meant their orders would be delivered to their doorstep by me. You know what that means. It’s infuriating, to say the least.”

Despite the challenges, Samaila remains committed to empowering other women in business. “I have a strong support system and empower other women in business. I offer advice and assistance when needed, even in cases where we have had past conflicts. I believe in limitless opportunities and won’t let setbacks stop me from helping others succeed.”

The Value of an MBA and Business Expansion

When questioned about the impact of pursuing an MBA on her business, Samaila sees it as an opportunity for personal growth and business prestige. “An MBA will definitely give me more insight into running the business,” she believes. “While the MBA is for personal career growth, it will also add prestige to my business. I’ll learn how to run my own business better and gain knowledge to help others in their businesses, too. It’ll broaden my perspective across different industries.”

While she plans to take things slow and focus on her education, she does intend to expand her business, including opening a physical store.

Sales Figures and Financial Advice

Samaila shares that her monthly revenue target is at least 3.5 million, and she usually meets or exceeds this target. For aspiring entrepreneurs, she advises playing to one’s strengths, managing money wisely, and prioritizing customer satisfaction. “Learn to recognize when a customer might cause more stress than they’re worth and be willing to walk away from certain sales for the sake of your mental health,” she advises.

It’s A Wrap

Hyelhirra Samaila Malgwi’s journey with Hera’s Closet is a masterclass in entrepreneurial resilience, adaptability, and foresight. At such a young age, she already embodies the characteristics associated with some of the most successful people in our world today. No small feat, but as she humbly says, everything can be accomplished with the right mindset. 

You just have to want it bad enough.

The SimplVest Team 🚀

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