Lanre Vigo: Kicking It With The Most Bankable Sports Agent in Nigeria - SimplVest

Lanre Vigo: Kicking It With The Most Bankable Sports Agent in Nigeria

What makes Lanre Vigo the most bankable sports agent in Nigeria? Find out in Part 1 of our exciting one-on-one with the CEO of Interlagos.

One of my favourite genres of movies to watch has to be sports movies/ series. Specifically, ones that talk about Sports Management. Mighty Ducks, Million Dollar Baby, Ford V Ferrari, Jerry Maguire, and, of course, Michael Jordan’s docuseries, The Last Dance, which is the source of one of the most iconic memes/ gifs ever in pop culture:

If I had to pick an absolute favorite right on the spot, it would be Money Ball. It’s a fantastic film starring Brad Pitt about Oakland Athletics 2002 General Manager Billy Beane, as he leads them to one of the most successful finishes in a season– all on nothing but a makeshift team, a shoestring budget, his mad skills, and of course some hope. You should seriously see it.

Borrowing from that premise, this issue of the SimplVest newsletter is an exciting one. We had the pleasure of chatting with Lanre Vigo, the head of Sports at Plug Entertainment and CEO/co-founder of Nigerian National League powerhouse Inter Lagos FC, fondly called the Pride of Lagos. Here are excerpts from our chat:

Early Passion and Challenges

Lanre Vigo’s journey into football began with humble beginnings. As a young boy with a burning passion for the game, he faced numerous challenges, including not having proper football boots. Despite these hurdles, his love for the sport never waned.

“I wasn’t actually a good footballer at the start. I just loved the game and kept playing even though I didn’t have proper boots,” Lanre reminisces. His early years were marked by a relentless pursuit of improvement, driven by sheer determination and an unwavering love for football.

The turning point came when his mother gifted him his first pair of football boots. “My mom eventually got me my first pair of football boots. That moment was like a dream come true,” he recalls, highlighting the significance of family support in his journey.

Family and Support

Throughout his journey, Lanre emphasizes the crucial role his family, especially his mom and grandma, played in his football career. Their unwavering support and belief in his potential were instrumental in his success. “My family’s support has been everything. My mom and grandma always believed in me, even when I doubted myself,” he says.

The strength and motivation he drew from his family’s support were vital in pushing through tough times. “Knowing that my family was behind me gave me the strength to push through tough times and keep chasing my dream,” Lanre explains.

Returning and Moving Forward

After university, Lanre returned to football with renewed determination, securing a trial with Birmingham City. This experience reaffirmed his potential and motivated him to continue pursuing his football dreams. “Returning to football after university and getting a trial with Birmingham City was a game-changer. It reminded me of my capabilities,” he says.

“This experience was pivotal. It showed me that with determination and the right support, I could achieve my dreams,” Lanre concludes, reflecting on the significance of this turning point in his career.

Breakthrough Moments and then a pivot…

Lanre’s persistence seemed to pay off as he began to make significant strides in his football career. Training at the National Stadium was one such pivotal moment that marked a big step towards his dream. “When I started training with a team at the National Stadium, it felt like a big step towards my dream,” he says.

Another memorable milestone was playing for his school team in England and facing Villareal’s academy. Scoring a goal in that match was a confidence booster that made him believe in his potential. “Playing against Villareal’s academy and scoring a goal was unforgettable. It made me believe I could compete at a high level,” Lanre shares.

England wasn’t quite the footballing paradise Lanre expected. The international game was a different beast, and initially, he felt out of sync with his English teammates. But Lanre was nothing if not adaptable. He absorbed the new style with grit and raw talent, catching the eye of a coach who saw a diamond in the rough.

Time marched on, and Lanre’s career, once so promising, seemed to hit a wall. He put in the hours, even embarking on a pilgrimage to Spain, training alongside other rising academy stars. Despite his dedication and a flicker of hope rekindled in Spain, that elusive breakthrough remained frustratingly out of reach.

From Player to Owner: Lanre Vigo’s Evolution

Transitioning from a footballer to an entrepreneur in sports was a natural evolution for Lanre Vigo. While his plans to make it as a player didn’t pan out in the manner he wanted to, the shift towards sports management and ownership was always part of his plan. “I was always going to end up in sports,” Lanre reflects. “Once I was done with playing, I knew I’d either become a football agent or a club owner. It just so happens that I’m doing both at the same time.”

Lanre’s initial foray into sports management began towards the end of his playing days. “I started Plugsports in December 2019 with the goal of better packaging African footballers,” he explains. He noticed that Nigerian and African footballers weren’t getting the same level of representation and opportunities as their European counterparts. “There was a gap in how African footballers were packaged and treated,” Lanre observes. “With proper representation, they could command more from their clubs.” And command they did. Lanre now boasts a god-like roster of Nigerian superstars like Tobi Amusan, Israel “Izzie the Stylebender” Adesanya, and Asisat Oshoala.

The onset of COVID-19 and the ENDSARS protests in Nigeria kept Lanre grounded in the country, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. “I realized that things wouldn’t move at the pace I wanted if I was outside Nigeria,” he admits. Staying in Nigeria allowed him to gain firsthand experience in sports management, learning both the successes and failures from his time with Clapton FC in England.

A New Approach to Club Ownership

Owning and managing Inter Lagos FC, known as Interlagos, came sooner than Lanre expected. “I didn’t think I’d own a club at this age,” he confesses. “The opportunity came at 33, which is wild. There’s a lot on my shoulders, but my early experiences and connections have helped.”

Lanre’s approach to managing the club is distinct. His hands-on involvement is a cornerstone of his philosophy. “I’m not the fancy manager who sits in the background,” he says. “I’m ready to go above and beyond for my staff and players. If I hear you’re happy, then I’m happy.”

This personal touch extends to every aspect of the club’s operations. “I’ll go places others won’t and do things others wouldn’t. It’s these little experiences that make a difference,” Lanre explains. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional models, where managers often maintain a more detached role.

Navigating the Nigerian Football Scene

Owning a football club in Nigeria comes with unique challenges and opportunities. Lanre’s experience has highlighted both the perks and difficulties. “I didn’t expect to own a club at 33, but the timing was right,” he says. “There’s a lot of capital required and navigating the system can be tough.”

Lanre has leveraged his connections and the clout from managing top Nigerian athletes to build Interlagos. “When people heard about Interlagos, there was already a lot of buzz. My network helped me navigate the Nigerian football system,” he notes. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with knowledgeable people and taking both good and bad advice. “Some advice was about the corruption and disorganization in the league, which I tagged as bad advice. But good advice was about the league’s growth and increasing talent, which encouraged us to move forward,” he adds.

Creating a Football Culture

Lanre’s vision for Interlagos goes beyond just winning games. He aims to encourage a football culture in Nigeria that is similar to what he experienced in England. “In England, fans are deeply involved; they sing the entire match and celebrate with the team,” he explains. “In Nigeria, we lack that culture. I want to create an environment where football is a major part of our entertainment.”

He also stresses the importance of treating players well. “Many Nigerian clubs don’t treat their players properly. I know how I wanted to be treated as a player, so I aim to provide that for my team,” Lanre says. His commitment to player welfare and creating a unique matchday experience is central to his vision for Inter Lagos.

The Essentials of Club Ownership

Lanre outlines key ingredients for success for those considering owning a football club in Nigeria. “You need a lot of money. Football here is very capital intensive,” he advises. He also shares an insight that isn’t commonly known:

“You need to cover housing, feeding, and other expenses for players [if you’re going to succeed]. Additionally, having knowledgeable staff and being patient are crucial.” It’s interesting, but it’s a fact that teams that house their players in the Nigerian professional football scene tend to do much better than those that do not, mainly thanks to the discipline they can instil in the players. 

Lanre also highlights the importance of understanding football deeply. “You need to know football to make informed decisions,” he says. “Without that knowledge, you’re just making uninformed choices.”

As Lanre continues to build Interlagos and expand Plugsports, his journey exemplifies the blend of passion, experience, and strategic thinking needed to succeed in the competitive world of football management.

As we close the curtain on this first part of our chat with Lanre Vigo, it’s clear that his passion for football and his drive to change the game in Nigeria are nothing short of electrifying. From juggling his football career with becoming a sports agent to his ambitious plans with Inter Lagos FC, Lanre’s story is full of excitement and innovation—so much so that you could say this is a sequel to Money Ball!

Catch all the action and get the inside scoop by checking out the full video and podcast interviews:

Watch the Interview on YouTube
Listen to the Podcast

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll uncover more about Lanre’s experiences and the impact he’s making in Nigerian football.

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