Nkem Michael Onuorah: Championing Innovation and Community - SimplVest
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Nkem Michael Onuorah: Championing Innovation and Community

Meet Nkem Michael Onuorah. From a transformative upbringing in Yaba and Shomolu, Lagos, to pioneering data engineering and AI solutions in Canada, discover his journey of meaningful impact in this SimplVest exclusive.

In this edition of the SimplVest newsletter, we sit down with Nkem Michael Onuorah, an Industry 4.0 enthusiast, Machine Learning Engineer, and Full-Stack Data Engineer. Nkem shares his journey from Nigeria to Canada, highlighting his unique experiences, insights, and lessons he’s learned.

In our conversation, Nkem touches on:

  • The importance of tech-driven skills, the value of preparation, and the role of ethics in emerging technologies.
  • Disparities in immigration experiences in Canada and the lessons he learned from his childhood in Ukwulu, his hometown, and Lagos that shaped his resilience and leadership qualities. 
  • Additionally, his insights on navigating career choices, venturing into business and technology, and bridging the gap between academia and the workplace.

The Journey to Canada

For many, the japa movement is a venture for better opportunities. Nkem considers another angle for his move.

“It wasn’t about better opportunities; it was more about avoiding regrets. I started considering the move around 2010. At that point, I joined Royal Exchange. At 28, I led a team, implemented digital transformation, and doubled the company’s revenues. I felt like I had reached the peak of my career. I wanted to return to school, so I applied to top MBA programs but was rejected. Eventually, I attended a smaller American school for my MBA.”

“During my MBA application period, I learned the importance of self-awareness. I undertook the Myers-Briggs, Gallup Journal Strengths Finder, and Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Tests. In my view, you must know yourself before pursuing further education,” Nkem shares.

“After my MBA program, I returned to Nigeria and joined IBM. I had foreseen a future where databases and big data systems would store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, which is now a reality with data lakes and data fabric. But that came from realizing the hard truth that staying in Africa might limit my opportunities to pursue these ideas.”

Adapting to Canada’s Opportunities and Challenges

Meet Nkem Michael Onuorah moved to Canada, and although it hasn't all been rosy, he has found a way to adapt to the opportunities in the Land of Maple syrup

“Canada hasn’t exactly been all rosy, but I’ve adapted to new opportunities and learned which rules to follow and which to break. I’ve met people who’ve been in Canada longer than me but haven’t had the opportunities my wife and I have had in less than five years,” Nkem reflects. 

In his time there, he observed the disparities in the immigration experiences of different nationalities– a factor that anyone considering the move there should take note of.

“Filipinos, for example, have an easier time getting a long-term visa due to their contributions to the medical system in Canada and the US. Their community supports and promotes them, and their children grow up with aspirations thanks to their parents’ legacy. For instance, I know a Filipino man who gained Canadian permanent residency within a month of applying after taking an English language test and applying for the Canadian Experience class because he had been on a work permit for over five years. The opportunity and information were out there, but he didn’t know until I brought his attention to the information.

Key Lesson Learnt: Research and understand the opportunities and challenges specific to your nationality or background when considering a move to a new country.

The Roots of Resilience: A Lesson of Trial & Error

Nkem’s journey began in Lagos, shaped by his family’s values and his community. He reflects, “I’m a product of trial and error. I was raised traditionally in Lagos and was influenced by my family’s history, including my grandfather’s resistance to colonists. My father managed my grandfather’s business and encouraged me to study for the sake of others, not just myself. I grew up with a strong sense of community, and moving to a larger house in Shomolu during the ’90s expanded my worldview.”

His father’s influence and his experiences in AIESEC, a non-governmental community organization d run by youths, were pivotal in shaping his understanding of integrity and leadership.

Nkem Michael Onuorah's time at AIESEC was a productive time, and he learned the importance of integrity and leadership.

“Joining AIESEC was transformative for me. Bosun Tijani, who is now the Minister of ICT, was also a leader in the organization. Through AIESEC’s values, I learned the importance of integrity and leadership, and they have stuck with me since then,” Nkem recalls.

Other Lessons from Childhood 

Nkem’s upbringing in Nigeria was filled with invaluable lessons. His family’s history and values profoundly influenced Nkem’s upbringing in Lagos. “I was raised traditionally in Lagos and was influenced by my family’s history. His father, who managed his grandfather’s business, instilled in him the importance of education and community. “I grew up with a strong sense of community,” Nkem says. This sense of community exposed Michael to a slew of experiences that came with life lessons, even when he may not have realized it at the time.

For instance, he shares an anecdote from his childhood that still resonates with him today. He had tried to ride a bicycle belonging to his grandfather many times stubbornly, and because it was much larger than he could handle, he would often crash it, much to his grandmother’s every day worries. A regular occurrence for any child’s relationship with a bicycle, but it wasn’t until a conversation with his grandfather that he picked up something more:

“One day, as I was preparing to return to boarding school, my grandfather said, ‘Come, I want us to talk.’ He asked, ‘What lesson did you learn from riding my bicycle every day?’ his response to his grandfather was: ‘I’ve learned that riding a bicycle, bruises and scars you.’ He replied, ‘I would rather be bruised and scarred in life than not have any life experience.’ From that simple conversation, I learned that trying something new could be challenging and may leave you with scars and bruises, but you gain invaluable experiences. Since that conversation, that willingness to face challenges has stayed with me.”

“I also learned that action improves you. How do you improve if you don’t take action in life? You don’t.”

The Lesson of Leadership

But the most crucial lesson Nkem would learn was how to become a leader. The recipe for this was to speak and challenge things without fear, and Michael took that to heart.

“My grandfather challenged my father, and they let me challenge them too. My father and grandfather used to say, ‘When you challenge me, you’ll learn from my mistakes, and the lessons will help you make better choices in life.’ So, I’ve always been at the forefront of speaking for those who don’t have a voice.”

Key Lesson Learnt: Trying something new can be challenging and may leave you scars and bruises, but you will surely gain invaluable experiences.

Navigating Career Choices

Nkem Michael Onuorah has had quite several shifts in career interests. His first love was Organic Chemistry, but his father advised him to switch to geology, and he eventually studied Geography at ABU Zaria.

“Human connections were crucial for my success in university, as I was nicknamed. I am a member of every club, and I learned that integrity and leadership are vital qualities,” he shares.

Nkem would later transition from geography to Database Administration. And then some other fields, simply because he kept identifying areas where he could be an outlier.

“I earned the equivalent of a BSc with the British Computer Society Professional Exams. Then, I pursued an MBA and a master’s in artificial intelligence. During my interview for a master’s in Artificial intelligence with Queen’s University in Canada, they asked me why I wanted to study Artificial intelligence. I told them I wanted to stay ahead of the curve.”

Venturing into Business and Technology

After completing his undergraduate studies, Nkem ventured into the business world, starting a software company for small businesses. “I taught myself programming in C++ and Java using the Schaum Series. I felt that I was ready to start a business, but my dad advised, ‘ Okay, Go and get an education on how to run a business,’ so I went to FATE Foundation,” he recounts. “Then I was taught Accounting and marketing and mentored on how to start a business, and those lessons never left me.”

His entrepreneurial journey had its share of ups and downs. “When I started my first business at 24 in 2004, I failed. It was a business of developing software for small businesses, and they struggled to buy. I spent most of my time training and supporting them, so I couldn’t scale. I lost all the capital I made.

“That was all the money I had made from running a training school at home. My dad didn’t give me the money; I earned it myself. When I lost it, my dad said, ‘What have you learned?’ I learned that I should always diversify.” he admits. However, he quickly bounced back by offering database support services to paying companies in the Airline, Shipping, and other Financial Services sectors. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to create his latest venture, DataStream, a database support company that provided data support to companies in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ghana.”

But going the entrepreneur way wasn’t an easy decision. 

“The decision to quit my job and start my business was a defining moment. It still defines me today. I would rather build today for the next generation than project manage something that will disappear in a few years.

Integration of Machine Learning and Industry 4.0

In his current role, Nkem focuses on integrating Machine Learning algorithms with Industry 4.0 technologies. He believes that this combination has the potential to revolutionize the way industries operate by enhancing data security and optimizing processes.

Innovative Solutions for Evolving Challenges

Nkem is passionate about developing innovative solutions to the industry’s evolving challenges. He’s always looking for new technologies and approaches to help businesses stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the changing landscape of Data Security and Industry 4.0.

Leveraging Open-Source Technologies

One unconventional approach Nkem Michael Onuorah has adopted is leveraging open-source technologies and collaborative platforms. He believes that this approach fosters innovation and drives efficiency, enabling him to deliver cutting-edge solutions to his clients.

To his credit, Nkem’s commitment to pushing the boundaries and adopting unconventional ideas has been critical to his success. He believes the sky’s the limit when you combine passion and determination.

Bridging the Gap Between Academia and the Workplace

Nkem Michael Onuorah is currently working on a product that merges two technologies to solve specific problems.

“There’s a disconnect between academia and the workplace these days. Curiosity led me to learn Python, and now I can use it to analyze data and help organizations improve their profitability. 

“It’s not just about knowledge; it’s about applying it to solve problems,” Nkem explains. “I’m currently working on a product that merges two technologies to solve specific problems. Developing this product has led to the creation of a new industry.” 

“We need to develop a framework for innovation and self-actualization. The internet has democratized knowledge; you can learn anything with a Google search.”

A Vision for Nigeria’s Future & The Importance of Diverse Leadership

Nkem Michael Onuorah is passionate about contributing to Nigeria’s future, advocating for sustainable actions, and addressing the country’s diversity issues. “If we don’t act sustainably, there won’t be a Nigeria in the next 20 years,” he warns. He also emphasizes the need for competent leadership and education reform in Nigeria.

“Nigeria needs to fix its diversity. We have a habit of ignoring problems, thinking they’ll resolve themselves. But eventually, these ignored problems become significant obstacles,” Nkem observes. “The major problem with Nigeria’s leadership is a lack of understanding. You can’t solve a problem you don’t understand.” 

“Singapore transformed from a third-world to a developed nation by making smart decisions and seeking expertise. We need competent leaders who understand governance to manage Nigeria’s resources effectively.”

Key Lesson Learnt: Nigeria needs competent leaders who understand governance to manage its resources effectively.

In A Nutshell…

In conclusion, Nkem Michael Onuorah’s journey from Lagos to Canada offers a wealth of insights and lessons for anyone navigating the worlds of technology, entrepreneurship, and personal development. Here are some actionable tips and key takeaways from our interview:

  • Embrace Diversity in Opportunities: Nkem Michael Onuorah emphasizes the disparities in immigration experiences in Canada. Research and understand the opportunities and challenges specific to your nationality or background when considering a move to a new country.
  • Value of Preparation and Adaptability: Nkem’s experience in Canada underscores the importance of preparation and adaptability. Be ready to adapt to new opportunities and learn which rules to follow and which to challenge.
  • Integrity and Leadership: Nkem’s involvement with AIESEC taught him the importance of integrity and leadership. These values have shaped his professional journey and can be applied in any career or business venture.
  • Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Nkem’s career shifts from geography to database administration, entrepreneurship, and artificial intelligence highlight the importance of constant learning and identifying areas where you can be an outlier.
  • Entrepreneurial Resilience: Nkem’s entrepreneurial journey, filled with ups and downs, teaches us the importance of resilience, diversification, and learning from failures.
  • Bridging Academia and the Workplace: Nkem emphasizes applying knowledge to solve real-world problems. Develop practical skills and seek opportunities to use your academic knowledge in the workplace.

And that’s a wrap! But hold on, we’ve still got more. In the second part of our interview with Nkem Michael Onuorah, we’ll explore his experiences and story more deeply. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights! Stay tuned for the next edition of the SimplVest newsletter.

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